Are you trying to get pregnant ?
Are you having difficulty in conceiving ?
Are you seeking treatment for infertility ?
For all those to be Mom’s here are. some Do’s and Don’ts which you should take care .
Most of the times fertility treatments are challenging , frequent visits to the doctor , long hours of wait , medications side effects . All this and balancing the family front as well as work takes a huge toll . More stress, inappropriate diet , irregular timings add to the neglect on the diet part . So how can you manage all of it ? here’s your answer . plan things , do not get frustrated if it gets difficult initially .Let’s understand how to go about planning the same .
Firstly determine if you are ideal/obese /under weight . you can easily check your BMI by your height and weight ( ) you will know your ideal weight . Discuss with your fertility physician how much your target should be .
Next important step is to know if you have medical issues like sugar imbalances , thyroid issues , prod, milky breast secretions , irregular periods . Generally with blood tests you can rule out most of these issues . If you have any of these , only diet will not help you with weight loss as generally obesity is a common problem .
Stop smoking , intake of high caffeine , alcohol, colas, artificial sweeteners, food additives , preserved foods, sauces, canned items .
Eat fresh – don’t use meals which have been cooked and stored in the fridge for long periods . It undergoes chemical processes by which nutrient value is lost .
If you plan well , ideally you can calculate the number of calories you require as per your weight and daily .you can take help of apps which give an estimate of the calorie number in the serving you eat with the amount of each category , like carbs, proteins etc
there is no one diet plan for everyone . become your own dietician .Depending on the traditional food which you have been eating in your family passed down by your moms curate your diet .
If you are looking at weight loss include flax seeds – roasted and powdered in a glass of water first thing in the morning . They are a rich source of antioxidants , fibre and will help to cleanse your gut . A cup of warm water with dry ginger powder at night is also advisable .
Generally in our diet we look at 3 main intakes – breakfast, lunch , dinner
Breakfast – make sure you have a protein included . this can be in form of a pulses , sprouts , veggies like broccoli, or egg
try to have a fruit in between the breakfast/lunch . Another good option is to have a smoothie mix with a fruit and veg leaves or a protein shake .
Lunch – try and have only one type of cereal , that is rice or roti and not both (these are commonly included in our diet ). have a generous veggie mix and a dal .
Evening snack – so its tea time and generally if you are at work , the canteen opens a variety of options of vadas, bhajiyas etc . try having something healthy like chana mix or sprout mix .
Dinner – make it early . this is should be the most smallest portion in the entire day .
A good diet can specially include the following : Try to have seeds and nuts regularly, walnuts are particularly high in Omega 3 fatty acids and magnesium. Include at least 1 fruit daily , berry fruits are especially good and recommended for those trying to conceive , pomegranate is also rich in antioxidants , vitamin C , K and folate . Soy milk or soy powder can be included in the diet . Apart from nuts, seeds , avocado, whole grains , fruits like pomegranate , beetroot are helpful for improving the endometrial lining by improving the blood flow .Avocado is packed with Vitamin E, potassium , folate and vitamin K , you can add its paste to smoothies or use as a dressing in salads . Dark green vegetables like spinach are a good source of Calcium, Iron , folate apart from giving the much needed fibre in diet .Egg is a good comprehensive protein source and Cod liver oil capsules boost up the Omega 3 fatty acids and are rich in Vit A and D .
So much so about diet . But remember for a healthy body , you need a healthy diet, good amount of exercise and sleep . Patients who regularly exercise have found to have lower stress , better weight control , more active and conceive faster .