It is not uncommon to have the first child without any problems and then struggle for the second attempt . Often despairing and frustrating at times patient resorts to IVF finally.
Well , why does this happen ?Most of the times after first child , couples are unsure of having a second one .More often as the child grows and starts demanding for a sibling around the age of 8-10 years when the parents start thinking about having one more child .
At this time Age of the wife is on the higher side thereby affecting the egg quality and the number too. Any intermittent surgeries , cesarean etc may have lead to adhesions (fibrous bands) inside the pelvis which restrict the movements of the fallopian tube.
Medical aliments like Diabetes are also common in the middle age , and men should be screened for it as it does affect the quality of sperms . Hormonal imbalances in males can also lead to drop in counts . Smoking and other lifestyle diseases also contribute to the altered semen profile .
The sooner you accept the problem the better . Instead of getting frustrated over the Why , Switch to a healthy lifestyle, do the necessary work up and do give a try .